Do you feel stuck in a rut? Are you ready for more spontaneity in your life? If so, this post is perfect for you!
For some, spontaneity comes naturally. It is something that rarely needs to be thought of as it’s already an integral part of who they are. However, it is an integral part of who we all are. The only difference is that some people choose to act on the impulses and some do not. Some have buried the impulses so deep down that they don’t even know they were there in the first place.
If you are that person, it is okay! Today I am going to teach you how to uncover those buried impulses and become more spontaneous.
Complacency is the enemy of spontaneity. When you become complacent about a situation, the brain starts to rewire itself to adopt this mentality across the board. It’s only when you break that mold that life can begin to take wild and adventurous twists. Now it must be noted, not all twists are going to work out the way we plan, but here is the key: go into any endeavor (spontaneous or not) with the thought that it will produce the desired outcome. YET, at the same time, be open, not scared, to the fact that it may not. Once you are open to the universal flow, any cause and effect can be deemed a direct step towards your ultimate goal.
Whether you are a spontaneous person or not, we all have goals. And the only way to reach those goals? Incremental improvements. Capitalizing on new doors that open us up to new opportunities. Once you begin to realize that everything in life happens at the right time and for the right reasons, no matter if it’s a good or bad scenario, it will ultimately lead you towards your goals. Through spontaneous actions, the universe will start to open doors for these incremental improvements.
Spontaneous behavior is sometimes needed in order to spark positive change.
Spontaneously rearrange your room and see how you feel. All of a sudden the new space will begin to break down old habits. This is because your environment plays a large factor in producing new habits. Spontaneously text that person you’ve been too shy to reach out to. At the very worst? They don’t respond. Who cares. A more likely outcome, though: it sparks up a conversation. Or, take your spontaneity to the extreme like I did. Spontaneously pack up and move to a new city without knowing anyone there. The key to being spontaneous and reaching success with extreme measures such as the latter, is writing down and visualizing what you want. Before I uprooted from Chicago to Austin on a near moment’s notice, I made a list of what I wanted when I moved down here.
Within one week of my spontaneous move down to Texas, I had attracted everything on my list. The spontaneous decision coupled with the unwavering belief that going with the flow would bring those things into my life, actually materialized them. By tuning in to your inner impulses and allowing them to flow naturally, you are aligning yourself to the flow that the universe has in store for you to reach your goals. The only thing you have to make sure of is that you maintain an unwavering belief that no matter what happens, it is just another step (even the setbacks) towards ultimate nirvana.
Now I’ve seen recommendations to increase spontaneity that include planning, scheduling, eliminating procrastination, etc. I am here to provide a completely new perspective. First of all, by very definition, spontaneity clashes with planning and scheduling. A well thought out plan is good for many scenarios in life, but it does not foster a sense of spontaneity. Instead, do something spontaneous and then write about how it made you feel afterward. Journaling about your spontaneous experiences will help you realize how beneficial they are to you. Find fun journals to write about your spontaneous endeavors here:
The recommendations listed below are meant to foster a sense of inner calmness when it comes to making snap, foreign decisions by trusting your intuition. So, without further adieu, here are…
10 Tricks to Spark Spontaneity:
1. Do whatever is going to bring the most fun and joy into your life.
If you have an idea, a trip you’d like to go on, a person you’d like to talk to -> go after it. You’ll never know how much happiness it could bring until you make the leap.
2. Understand that your brain has been wired since childhood to come up with excuses to not do things.
This is a basic survival skill that has been intrinsically placed within us. It does not always serve us well in the 21st century, however. Yes, there are things you should stay away from like hot stoves and dark alleys. There are also a lot of things that you should pursue, that your brain has been programmed to reject simply because the subconscious mind knows it will be forced to get out of its comfort zone. Which brings me to my next point.
3. Get uncomfortable.
I know this sounds counter intuitive, but in order to grow at all, you must place yourself within a state of discomfort. Discomfort arises when you are about to do something you would not normally do. Most people develop anxiety in moments like these. Instead of interpreting it as anxiety, tell yourself “I am excited, not nervous”. The same chemicals fire in your brain from nervousness and excitement. The only difference is how your brain interprets the signals. If you tell yourself you are excited, you will condition your mind to be less anxious and more willing to make spontaneous decisions.
4. Look for signs.
There are signs everywhere, you just need to tune in. For example, when the thought of moving to Austin, Texas from Chicago sparked in my brain, I immediately started seeing signs everywhere. I would hear the word “Austin” in conversations. I would see “Austin” on street signs or in articles. I would see my birthday (227) EVERYWHERE. 11:11 EVERYWHERE. I would see tons of synchronicities (Carl Jung’s theory that events are actually “meaningful coincidences”). These are not to be taken lightly. They are a direct sign to go after whatever spontaneous idea you have. To learn more about synchronicities and their benefits check out Deepak Chopra’s book here:
5. Introduce yourself to new people.
Whether that be going to a social event you’ve never gone to, sparking up a conversation with a fellow industry professional on LinkedIn, shoot, even mingling with folks on dating apps. The more people you attract into your life, the more possibilities that will open up to you. I know this may seem scary at first, trust me, but the benefits from doing so are far more rewarding. An AMAZING book to help boost your confidence when meeting new people can be found here:
6. Remember, life is short.
How many things will you look back on and think, “Wow, I wish I would have tried that when I had the chance”. Make it so that you never have to say that to yourself again. Next time, TRY IT.
7. Meditate.
Meditation clears the mind and allows for your subconscious mind to flow freely. It is after meditation that you may come to conclusions about subconscious blockages. This will allow you to work on removing said blockages to make way for spontaneous fun.
8. Nothing trivial matters as much as we think it does in our head.
Remember that one time you were super embarrassed in elementary school? Yea, neither do I. We make things into a big deal in our heads, when in reality, most things are short lived. It matters not what people think of us. Instead of thinking “I want to be around more people but I’m shy”, think “People want to be around me because I have a lot to offer.” Watch as the right people begin to trickle into your life. Having this mindset will allow you to feel more at ease when making a spontaneous decision.
9. Go with your gut.
The brain can trick itself, but the gut cannot. With the gut containing billions of neurons as well, it is literally the second brain. More and more research is going into realizing how close the connection between brain and gut really is. Trusting your gut means paying attention to how your body feels when making a decision. If it is relaxed or excited, you are about to make the right choice. If your stomach flips and a voice in the back of your head screams “do not do that” (such as spontaneously texting an ex that you know you shouldn’t), don’t do it. Not everything should be spontaneous. Listen to your gut for instructions.
10. Make the spontaneous decision and don’t look back.
It has been proven that successful people are able to make tough decisions and pursue them to the Nth degree, even if halfway through they realize it may not have been the best idea. See things through to the end. You never know what could be shaken up in the process.
Try these tricks and watch your life unfold in ways you never thought possible. Just keep an open mind.
Let me know in the comments below how you plan to implement these tricks into your own life!
This was very insightful and inspiring!