Are you racing through your day? Do you feel like you are living on auto pilot with no end in sight? If so, it is time to stop and smell the roses (seriously, go outside and smell some flowers!)
Many of us (me included!) are so wrapped up in our day-to-day activities, that we forget to slow down and appreciate the little things. While you may not think this is a problem, at first, you are going to realize it is not sustainable. In the blink of an eye, life will have passed you by. You are going to wonder how you missed out on so much.
If you are reading this, it is probably because you have finally decided you are moving through life too fast. Congratulations! Take a slow, deep breath and embrace the wonderful new life you are about to embark on.
Acknowledging the simple pleasures of your life allows you to calm down, live more intentionally and live in the present moment. At the end of the day, isn’t that what we all really want?
Life’s seemingly unimportant and small events are actually not small at all. They should be treasured each and every day. With that being said, once you start appreciating the simple pleasures of life, your happiness is guaranteed to increase. So, after reading my personal list of simple pleasures, I challenge you to create your own!
25 Simple Pleasures to Increase Happiness:
1. Diffusing essential oils (especially lavender)
Click Here2. Receiving an unexpected text from a friend you haven’t heard from in a while (one of my personal favorites!)

3. The smell of freshly cut grass

4. Meditating (even if only for a couple of minutes!)
Click Here5. Breakfast outside with the sun rising and birds chirping (so calming)

6. Freshly shaved legs in bed

7. Your pillow and bed after a REALLY loooong day
Click Here8. The sound of a babbling brook or crashing waves (imagine it now – relaxing right?)

9. Vision boards (underrated – give it a try!)
Click Here10. Taking a shower or bath after a long day
11. The sun on your skin after its been cloudy or rainy for a long time

12. Working on a puzzle (I personally find this is when my mind is most quiet and relaxed)
Click Here13. A clean and organized house
Click Here14. The smell of flowers

15. Journaling!
Click Here16. Quenching your thirst after a good workout
Click Here17. Listening to your favorite song (go put it on right now!)
Click Here18. The smell of a brand new candle
Click Here19. Laughing with an old friend (laughter truly is the best medicine)

20. Eating your favorite food

21. Curling up in bed with a really good book (my personal favorites can be found here)
22. A hug after a difficult day

23. Coffee, coffee, coffee
Click Here24. Lending a helping hand (my favorite)

25. A day with no plans or obligations (relax, you deserve it!)

Feel free to leave your favorites in the comments below!