Are you beginning to feel overwhelmed by all of your clutter? Would you like to maximize your space and feel more relaxed in it?
If so, it is time for you to start decluttering! Decluttering is the act of removing unnecessary items from your space. I know it can be a daunting and overwhelming process, but it is a truly rewarding one! Little by little we collect new items or special possessions and then before we know it, our space is inundated with clutter.
While it may seem scary or stressful to start the decluttering process, I can promise you, you will feel so much better after you do. Studies show that people with cluttered homes are more likely to have higher cortisol levels (the stress hormone). Therefore, decluttering can quite literally make you feel better both physically and mentally. It will allow you to live a more intentional and happier lifestyle. Now, who wouldn’t want that??
So, today I am going to provide you with some fun strategies to tackle the decluttering process. Don’t worry, it is not as scary as it may seem and you are sure to be happier after!
Here are…
12 Tips to Declutter and NOT feel overwhelmed:
1. Jump right in
Yes, sometimes it really is that simple. Most people think that the hardest part about decluttering is figuring out where to start, but it doesn’t have to be. Pick one area of your house that really needs to be decluttered (it can be a small space) and just jump right in. Before you know it, you’ll be decluttering your entire house!
2. Get some Inspiration!
It is easy to feel overwhelmed by even the thought of decluttering. This is why getting some inspiration can make the process less stressful and give you the motivation to begin. Looking on Pinterest can be a good start or even reading a book about the benefits of decluttering your home. I personally recommend the book below to help inspire your decluttering journey. Click the picture to see more!
3. Take Before and After Pics
If you’re a visual person, then I definitely recommend taking before and after pics. This is a good way for you to see all that you have accomplished and feel proud of your new, clean space. These pictures will also act as a future reminder as to why you should keep things decluttered!
4. Set Attainable Goals for Yourself
The best thing to do is to set goals you know you can actually achieve. This will look different for everyone, so it is best to sit down and be honest with yourself about how comfortable you feel decluttering. This might be a couple items per day, quick bursts of decluttering or maybe just as simple as reorganizing your desk space.
5. Timer Challenge
Set a timer for just 10 minutes, and see how much stuff you can get rid of! This is a great idea if you are hesitant about decluttering since it is just a short burst of cleaning. Then, after the 10 minutes, if you decide you like the results, keep going!
6. 12-12-12 Challenge
This challenge involves throwing away 12 items, donating 12 items and returning 12 items to their proper spaces in the house. This is a good way to start small and work your way up to even bigger decluttering challenges.
7. 100 Things Challenge
I have done this challenge a couple of times and it is one of my personal favorites! Set a timer for one hour and throw out 100 items. It can be something as small as a paper clip on your desk, a pair of old socks, or an old and broken video game console. To make this challenge even easier, you can choose to remove 20 items from 5 rooms of the house. This will make decluttering feel more manageable. If you would like, though, feel free to go big and try removing 100 items from just 1 room!
8. 4 Box Method
This decluttering method is great for people who like to be organized. Grab 4 boxes of the same size and clearly label them trash, giveaway, keep or relocate. This allows you to see side by side how much you are keeping and how much you are deciding to trash / giveaway. This provides you with a clear perspective on your progress and allows you to determine if more or less should be removed from the house.
9. Minimalism Game
The 30-Day Minimalism Game is a fun and manageable way to begin decluttering! It was created by The Minimalists themselves. If you don’t know who they are check them out here. This game is very simple – the first day of the month, you get rid of 1 item, the second day of the month, 2 items and so on. By the end of the month you will feel so much better and your space will look so much cleaner. The Minimalists also have an awesome Netflix documentary and a book on the benefits of decluttering that you can find here:
10. 40 Bags in 40 Days Challenge
This challenge actually coincides with the 40 days of Lent, but is still very applicable to any time of the year. All you have to do is fill a new bag every day with any items you want to get rid of. Do this for 40 days. By the end of it, you’ll have 40 full bags! Yes, it really is that simple and easy! After the 40 days, you will be shocked to see all of the progress you have made.
11. Sell / Donate Items
Selling or donating your items is great motivation to start decluttering. While it can be a daunting task, knowing that you are helping someone in need or making a couple extra bucks makes it worth it! Check out Poshmark for selling your clothes online or Plato’s Closet if you prefer to go in person!
12. Go a Month Without Buying Any New Items
Obviously, this does not mean essentials like food. What this means is to try going a whole month without buying frivolous goods. You probably don’t need that new makeup product or that new throw pillow. Chances are they will be there in a month, and if you still really want them, buy them. A lot of times we impulse buy, and this challenge is to help prevent that. After a month of not buying anything, you will appreciate all of the extra space you have. In turn, this will motivate you to limit your buying habits and keep clutter to a minimum (and your wallet will thank you).
Comment below which tip was your favorite!
Hey Tori love the tips on decluttering. What are your thoughts on what to do on a staycation?
Hi Sandy! Staycation tips sound like a great idea, I will look into making a post about it!
Thanks Tori, you’ve inspired me! I like the 40 bags idea, also boxes side by side~
Great ideas to try out!
Glad to hear that!