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Are you ready to say goodbye to this cold winter and say HELLO to spring? Are you excited for warmer days when you can get some fresh air and embrace the sun shining without freezing? If this is you, keep on reading!

After months of winter and a consistent dreary overcast, spring sounds like a dream come true. And with April only a few weeks away, that dream is just around the corner! It may be hard to believe that right now if you still have 20-degree days and snow on your 7-day forecast, but I can assure you it won’t last much longer (even if it feels like it’s never-ending).

The arrival of spring brings an air of excitement, unlike any other season. Spring got its name because it’s the time of year when plants begin to sprout and grow again, or spring back up from the Earth. It represents a time of new beginnings and symbolizes growth and transformation. After months of those winter blues, you feel re-awakened and ready to improve yourself. This makes it the perfect time to start fresh and implement positive, healthy habits into your life.

If you’re ready to embrace spring and all of the growth and joy that comes with it, check out the tips below!

1. Deep Clean

Nothing quite says spring like Spring Cleaning! Wipe down your countertops, dust off your surfaces, clean those window sills and tracks, disinfect the bathroom, vacuum the whole house, and scrub those floors. There is no better time than spring to clean up your space! This will help to improve the air quality in your home which will in turn make you feel so much better. If you have pets (that shed uncontrollably), I’ve linked an AMAZING tool that helps me get all of my dog’s fur out of the carpet (even after vacuuming, there’s still hair)!

Dog or Cat Hair Remover for Deep Cleaning

2. Declutter

After you deep clean, it is the perfect time to start decluttering! Decluttering consists of organizing your space and throwing away or donating anything you don’t use anymore. This can range from appliances in the kitchen, to that pesky junk drawer you’ve ignored for the past year, to your closet full of clothes you don’t wear anymore. If you are overwhelmed with where to start, I wrote a great blog post with tips on how to declutter your home. You can find it here. I’ve also included some great bins to help you start getting organized.

Clear Organizing Bins

3. Open the Windows for Fresh Air

There is no better feeling than opening your windows and getting some fresh air after a looong and cold winter. The fresh, crisp air accompanied by a light breeze feels absolutely divine after being pent up inside for the last few months. Allowing fresh air into your home will boost your mood and increase your energy levels, making it the perfect way to embrace spring.

4. Start a New, Healthy Habit

Since spring symbolizes a time of growth and change, it is the perfect time to pick up a new, positive habit. You can revisit a New Year’s resolution that you may have set for yourself, but haven’t worked on or try out something completely new. Either way, start implementing those healthy changes now and carry them through to the end of the year. It takes about 66 days of completing a task for it to turn into a habit, so don’t delay! The book, Atomic Habits, is a great read if you are unsure of where to start.

Atomic Habits

5. Get Outside

Get outside and enjoy the sun! Simply stepping outside and into the sun will positively impact your mental and physical health. Your stress levels will begin to reduce and the sun will stimulate the production of vitamin D. If you also decide to exercise while outside, that’s even better! Try to get your daily exercise outdoors by going for a walk, biking, rollerblading, playing tennis, swimming, or playing basketball.


6. Read a Personal Development Book

Springtime is all about growth and improving yourself, so it is the perfect time to read a personal development book. I have a list of my favorites here. Reading one of these may help to spark a new habit, discover your life’s purpose, or positively shift your mindset.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

7. Plant Produce or Herbs

Plant a garden full of fruits and veggies or if you’re just starting your gardening journey, try a few herbs indoors. Growing plants will connect you to nature and make you feel even more in tune with spring. Fresh produce and herbs also have many health benefits, thus helping to improve your physical health as well. My favorites to grow are basil and chives because they are easy to maintain and make the perfect addition to so many meals. Snag some seeds and get started!

Organic Herb Seeds

Let me know other ways that you plan to embrace spring in the comments!

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